Artificial Intelligence

A Small Island In The Caribbean Finds Itself Sitting On A Valuable AI Treasure

In what is surely one of the craziest stories to emerge from the AI hype train, the tiny island nation of Anguilla, situated in the Caribbean, could reportedly make up to 10% of its GDP — or $30 million — from selling “.ai” domains. Anguilla, a tropical British territory known for its coral reefs and […]

A Small Island In The Caribbean Finds Itself Sitting On A Valuable AI Treasure Read More »

AI Detectors Are Failing To Detect Human Content Among AI-Generated Content

Imagine this: you researched a topic, wrote a draft of it, edited it the next day, proofread the article with your friend, colleague, partner, or spouse, and then published it. However, when you check the piece you have put your heart and soul into with an AI detector, it says it is “not human-generated”. How

AI Detectors Are Failing To Detect Human Content Among AI-Generated Content Read More »

Apple’s AR/VR Headset ‘Vision Pro’ Will Disrupt The Consumer Tech Industry

No matter if you have a love-hate relationship with Apple, you can’t deny the fact that they have always been the pioneers in consumer technology. I, too, have the same relationship with them. I just love their products but hate their pricing. However, that doesn’t stop millions of Apple fanatics (not me) from changing their

Apple’s AR/VR Headset ‘Vision Pro’ Will Disrupt The Consumer Tech Industry Read More »