
15 GitHub Repos That Every Developer Must Bookmark Right Now

Over the last few years, GitHub has become more than a mere versioning-control system. It is a one-stop place where developers collaborate and contribute together that forms such a strong community and an enormous network among the developers and programmers. But finding useful repositories has been an uphill task for many. As per Wikipedia, GitHub […]

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Differences Between Docker And Kubernetes Explained Under 5 Minutes

After Kubernetes announced that they are ending the support for Docker in late 2021, the people on Twitter went crazy over this and started asking questions, “How can they remove the Docker support?”, “Docker == Container, now what will I use?”, “isn’t k8s just automation for docker?” So just to give you a heads-up, I

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Kubernetes Is Deprecating Docker Support & Here’s Why You Should Not Panic

On 2nd December 2020, Kubernetes published an article stating that Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as a container runtime… And this was not a big deal I thought as I usually read articles from the Kubernetes Blog, thought this is just a release update blog. But then I saw Ian Coldwater, the Kubernetes SIG Security co-chair tweeted something which panicked the

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Kubernetes Architecture Explained in Brief

Kubernetes has become the most sought after orchestration platform because of its overwhelming features, including scaling, auto-deployment, and resource management across multiple clusters of hosts. The enterprises are adopting Microservice-architecture for their application development, hence modern applications are increasingly built using containers. Containerization packages the application with all the necessary dependencies such as libraries, configurations

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Kubernetes: Deployments in 5 minutes

Kubernetes Deployments, in plain words, are responsible for creating, updating and deleting instances (pods) of your application. It also provides a self-healing mechanism that helps you when your application crashes. Well, before that, if you don’t know already, Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration platform that can run and manage enterprise-class web-scalable applications. Kubernetes Cluster Before you begin deployment,

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