
5 Most Used Programming Languages That The Top Organizations Are Using

Almost every week or so, I hear that the ***** programming language is dead, we must learn this and that, or that now ***** is trending, so we must and should be the early adopters. However, the reality of software development is vastly different from what is being repeated on the Internet. When organizations develop […]

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Why Cheat Days Are Important For Programmers To Be Happy & Peaceful

We all have been intrigued by the work ethics of successful entrepreneurs like Elon Musk, Jack Dorsey and Jeff Bezos who are considered as the hardest working individuals in their respective companies. You might even see videos of people trying out their daily regime on YouTube and failing miserably. Trust me, I am also guilty

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How To Make A Perfect Class In Singleton Design Pattern

If you are working in an object-oriented system, then you must be working with one of the Design Patterns as proposed by the Gang of Four (GoF) in their book, ‘Design Patterns — Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software’ in 1994. Singleton design pattern is one such design pattern which we have used in our applications extensively. The Singleton

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Design Patterns That Every Software Developer Must Know

If you have been working in a software company or learning software development, you might have heard about design patterns. Well, design patterns are nothing but trial and error methods that software developers have tried over the years to solve a common set of problems. An ideal definition would be, “Design Patterns are sets of

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