Lessons I Have Learned Over The Years From My Senior Software Developer Colleagues

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The other day, one of my closest friends and colleagues left the company. He has had over 11 years of experience in the industry and has been one of the best mentors that I ever had. I learned a lot from him over the years, and it really was a privilege to work with him.

I have been really lucky to have had such mentors in my life. Without them, my programming career would not have been possible. With so much information out there, you often need guidance on which topics or courses are important to grow in your career. That’s where an experienced colleague comes in.

I often ask this to all my departing colleagues, so I asked my friend about the lessons he learned that he would like to share while he was serving his notice period before leaving the company. These 3 lessons has been reiterated by all my senior colleagues.

You should be More Involved in your Work

My friend told me to become more involved in the discussion part of the project analysis. This will help me come up with pointers that may help in implementing a particular feature or task or may result in questions that might arise during the task.

The experiences that come from being involved in the discussion of your project are immensely helpful in the long run. The challenges, the history, the story of how an immensely difficult task was resolved can only be learned through experience.

There is No Such Thing as a Perfect Organization

I have always been fascinated by brand names — Facebook (now Meta), Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Amazon, or Apple. These companies have been my dream companies for me and for millions of others. But there may be some scenarios where the work that seemed to be interesting at first becomes monotonous and average after a certain period of time.

This is even true for the bigger organizations I mentioned earlier — you will find dozens of such experiences on YouTube where people left FAANG or MANGA companies. Hence, it is always important that you work on an exciting project that will help you in the long run, irrespective of the organization. In the end, it is your skills and experience that will allow you to land a better job with better pay.

You are Responsible for the Code you write

Extending the previous point , it is important to work on a project that excites you. You always won’t get a good project where you will learn immensely — then, of course, you have the option to work hard and look somewhere else for a better opportunity.

But, until that time, you are responsible for the development. Whatever task comes your way, you have to ensure that the task is completed before the designated assigned date, no matter how frustrating or difficult it is.

Software developers, in the end, are problem solvers or solution providers. It is essential for you to have an understanding of the business, work as a team player, make decisions and share knowledge from time to time.