Sometimes ‘Quantity’ Wins Over ‘Quality’ In The Long Run

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Let me explain! I have been working as a software professional for quite some time. I did learn programming at a college. The curriculum there at the time was absolutely absurd. I knew the courses we were taking would become obsolete by the time we graduated.

For me, getting a good job was crucial. The 2008 global financial crisis affected my father’s job as he was politely asked to resign. For some years, we were living on the family savings. I understood that I would have to work extremely hard to pull my family back together.

When I was in college, most of my batch mates spent their days and weekends going out and partying hard during the weekends, which is absolutely fine.

I, on the other hand, worked upon myself, mentally and physically. I started reading books. Furthermore, I created a schedule and strived to work according to it. Although, I was not always successful, but I had a path that lead to glory, which I thought was perfect.

In the final year of college, we all had to submit a project that would get us an internship, which was crucial to securing a job at any of the reputed software companies. Most of my batch mates decided to work on apps that would make existing ones look “laughable”, as said by someone.

For example, someone would create an enhanced photo sharing social media app, a clone of Instagram, but better. The app would have 3x the number of filters, better security features such as dual-authentication factor, etc. Yeah, at the time, Instagram was a simple photo-sharing app without reels or stories. It didn’t even have 2-factor authentication, either, which is now a norm.

Likewise, several people had similar ideas. However, when the deadline to submit the projects approached, almost everyone panicked and the apps, they developed sucked to the extent that it would stop after 2 pages or the buttons on the webpage wouldn’t work, and so on.

I had a clear vision in my second year of college, that I would submit an incredible project that would stand out from the crowd, where the source code won’t also be not available easily on the internet. The only problem was that I didn’t know what it was at the time.

Hence, every weekend I would learn and develop new skills. I might have done at least 15 small and big projects. Each project I did, was evaluated by my friends, studying in other colleges. I was extremely open for criticism and feedback, and thus, by the time, I was in my final semester, I was ready with all my experience and learnings.

I ended up developing a car racing game with 8 levels, along with 3 of the other batch mates. Every group should have a mandatory 4 members.

Trust me on this, game development is waaaay tougher than app development. I had used Unity game engine for terrain development and Autodesk Maya for the cars design.

I was able to do that because I was consistently working on my projects, makings mistakes and learning from them. If I tried making each of the project damn near perfect, then, I would end up wasting a lot of unnecessary time without guaranteeing that it would turn out to be flawless.

Thank you for reading!